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H2 Design Build

About H2 Design Build

For over 20 years, H2 Design Build’s Principal Member Harvey Yancey has been engaged in high-end modern contemporary construction and real estate development while also establishing a strong footprint in affordable housing with the intent on creating new livable communities. His vision is to stay on the cutting edge of real estate design & development while delivering a product that can be appreciated by the masses.
Raised in the suburbs of Washington DC, he grew up in Alexandria, Va. and attended local public schools where he became a standout All-American football player at TC Williams High School (Remember The Titans). He later attended Howard University School of Business which prepared him for his successes today.
Our History

In Everything
We Do
Harvey Yancey founded H2 Design Build in 2016 based on the core values of teamwork, integrity and commitment. He first made his mark on the industry by buying and renovating dilapidated homes in the Washington DC area as the city began to transition itself through revitalization efforts, in hopes of creating a visual and economic success that rivals big cities around the country such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc.
Working with the City, H2 Design Build has become an integral part of the city’s development plans as it partners with DCHFA in a home purchasing program (HIP) which targets hardworking families that would not be able to purchase a home under normal purchasing conditions.

Our Services
In The News
It is with great pleasure that H2 shares with you its published information such as articles, interviews, awards and accolades received for its hard work and dedication the development industry. We are proud of our accomplishments and we take pride in knowing that our clients, associates and competitors recognize our efforts to do more and offer better.
With years of experience in the market, H2 knows how crucial it is for you to find relevant, up-to- date information about a company and we hope that this information will give you insight to all that we have done and all that we are doing. This site is designed to be your one-stop shop for real estate construction and development in the Washington DC metropolitan area.